Bonny Albo
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When you want to send an “I miss you” text, inspiration helps. But what if you’ve already sent oodles of these kinds of texts to the person you’re dating? What if you want something new?

After almost a decade of helping people with their dating questions, one of the biggest questions lies in the realm of, “how can I keep the romance alive” sort of category. Well, that or how to get an ex back. (Different post, that one!)

So, when you want to share that you miss your partner, but don’t want to send something silly, ridiculous or the same old, same old, what do you do?

You grab one of these I Miss You Text Message suggestions. Or, share your favorites in the comments so that others can try them out, too.

Cute I Miss You Text Messages

  • How vulnerable does a turtle feel without its shell? That’s how I feel when I’m not with you.
  • Even if I was the busiest person on the planet, I’d still make time for you.
  • When I’m by myself, I have all these things I want to say to you. But when we’re together? Speechless. I look forward to being speechless again, soon, in awe of you.
  • The sun sets, yet it’s still there. I wish we were like that, too.
  • Without you here, the sun forgets to shine.

Loving I Miss You Text Messages

  • I thought about you all day. Tomorrow? The same.
  • There are no words to explain how much I miss you – just a feeling. A longing. An ache. I hope to be in your arms soon.
  • All I need is you. Right here. With me.
  • We just spent the whole day together… and yet I already miss you.
  • It’s so hard to be away from you. I wish you were here.

Sexy I Miss You Texts

  • I look forward to the day where I wake up next to you.
  • I can’t wait to smell you again. Touch you. Taste you. I wish I could right now.
  • My soul demands you.
  • Can you feel that? It’s my heart, my essence, beating just for you.

I Miss You Quotes To Try Out

  • “Days of absence, sad and dreary, Clothed in sorrow’s dark array / Days of absence, I am weary; She I love is far away.” ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • I only miss you when I’m breathing. ~ Jason Derulo
  • What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you. ~ Richard Wilbur
  • You left, and my heart is a ceaseless sermon of loneliness. ~ Jaesse Tyler
  • I miss you like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct it’s light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to. ~ William in “A Knight’s Tale”

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12 thoughts on “I Miss You Text Messages – When You Need Something Cute and Loving”

  1. How I say goodnight to him. Bae: u know I love _u right Him: yeah I know I’m sleepy boo Bae: goodnight u know u my angel Him: Awww I know boo Sweet dream my angel

  2. I usually reply with a piece of poetry I’ve written or something Eg. I love you have a goodnight, soon I’ll be able to hold you tight. Ok I admit that wasn’t very good, but hey it was on the spot.

  3. I’m currently in my first relationship, and a while back, I started a short of nightly ritual. He tells me good night, and I text back with “Bueno noche y dulce suenos, mi novio.” It’s good night and sweet dreams, my boyfriend in Spanish. Sometimes, I change mi noive to Teddy Bear cause that’s his pet name 🙂

  4. Most nights I text my boyfriend or he texts me goodnight messages. It makes me sad that we’re not together very often. My fave to send him is “I hold your heart within my heart x0x”

  5. Me: Well, I’m gonna go to sleep now. Him: Kk. Sweet dreams(; Me: Aww u 2!(: Him: c u 2morrow Me: c u in a couple minutes(; Him: ? Me: In my dreams(: love you

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